Anti-Prop 8 PSA Short-Listed for E-Hero Award

An anti-Prop. 8 PSA that I had the privilege to write has been shortlisted as one of three finalists by the E-Hero Awards selection committee for the Human Rights Campaign. Created for FAIR (Freedom, Action, Inclusion, Rights), the piece titled “Every Heart Matters” was produced by Foundation Content using footage which they shot with families in San Francisco and Los Angeles. It was directed by the quickly rising duo Focus Creeps and edited by Tom Pastorelle with Creative Direction from Samantha Hart. The award will be presented at the 2010 Human Rights Campaign Gala in Los Angeles on March 13 at the Hyatt Century Plaza Hotel. U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer will be the featured speaker. Portia DeRossi will be presented with the HRC Visibility Award and Kathy Griffin will be receiving the Ally for Equality Award.